ketch up
Koretnek: rizs es gyumolcs tetszes szerint
A csirkecombokat kicsontozzuk es kiklopfoljuk/ Soval, borssal es ketcuppal beizesitjuk, egy napig hutoben erleljuk.
Elokeszitjuk a martast. Joghurtot keveske vizzel felhigithuk, sot, borsot, ketchupot, borokabogyot, zuzott fokhagymat, finomra vagott voroshagymat keverunk bele. A csirkecombokat lisztbe forgatjuk, elosutjuk, tepsibe rendezzuk, raontjuk a joghurtos szoszt es elomelegitett sutoben keszre paroljuk. Rizs es friss gyumolcs a korete.
Palko ezt a receptet keszitette el nekunk a karacsonyi vacsorara mikor kint volt Austztraliaban! Hatalmas sikere volt!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Anyu daragaluskaja
Tojassarga, olaj vagy vaj, sutopor, so es finomra vagott petrezselyem, bors es annyi buzadara, hogy jo suru massza legyen. Vegul hozza adom a tojasfeherjet kemenyre folverve. Finoman osszekeverem es sos vizben LASSAN fozom.
Nagyszeru levesbetet huslevesekbe!
Nagyszeru levesbetet huslevesekbe!
Vajas pogacsa - ahogy Anyu csinalta!
1 kg liszt
0.50 dkg vaj
6 tojassarga
8 dkg eleszto (langyos tejben felfuttatva)
tejfol (csak annyi, hogy a teszta konnyu legyen)
reszelt sajt (a pogacsa tetejere)
so (izles szerint)
Vegyitsd ossze a hozzavalokat es pihentesd a tesztat. Ismeteld meg ezt egy parszor, pihentetve a tesztat 3-4 oran at. Nyujtsd ki ujjnyi vekonyra, majd pogacsa szaggatoval formaljuk. A tetejet minden pogacsanak tojassal megkenjuk, a tetejere reszelt sajtot szorunk, majd elomelegitett sutoben mersekelt tuzon 20-25 percig sutjuk.
1 kg liszt
0.50 dkg vaj
6 tojassarga
8 dkg eleszto (langyos tejben felfuttatva)
tejfol (csak annyi, hogy a teszta konnyu legyen)
reszelt sajt (a pogacsa tetejere)
so (izles szerint)
Vegyitsd ossze a hozzavalokat es pihentesd a tesztat. Ismeteld meg ezt egy parszor, pihentetve a tesztat 3-4 oran at. Nyujtsd ki ujjnyi vekonyra, majd pogacsa szaggatoval formaljuk. A tetejet minden pogacsanak tojassal megkenjuk, a tetejere reszelt sajtot szorunk, majd elomelegitett sutoben mersekelt tuzon 20-25 percig sutjuk.
Milk Pie - Mum's quick recipe
1 liter milk
350g plain flour
2 eggs
50g sugar
50g unsalted butter
Vanilla sugar
pinch of salt (all pastries need a little salt)
Mix the eggs, sugar, butter with a mixer and very gradually mix a little flour than milk. Continue adding the flour and milk bit by bit until it is all added. Mix it until there are no knots and really smooth, creamy.
Preheat the oven. Pour the mixture into a baking tray that is lined with baking paper. If baking paper is not available, just grease the tray than sprinkle flour on the greased tray. Pour the mixture in the tray and bake it for 5 minutes on low fire. Than turn it up high and bake the pie until the top is golden brown. You can check it with a meat pin or a fork. When ready, let it cool than sprinkle Vanilla sugar on top and slice it. Serve it with apricot jam or chocolate sauce if desired.
1 liter milk
350g plain flour
2 eggs
50g sugar
50g unsalted butter
Vanilla sugar
pinch of salt (all pastries need a little salt)
Mix the eggs, sugar, butter with a mixer and very gradually mix a little flour than milk. Continue adding the flour and milk bit by bit until it is all added. Mix it until there are no knots and really smooth, creamy.
Preheat the oven. Pour the mixture into a baking tray that is lined with baking paper. If baking paper is not available, just grease the tray than sprinkle flour on the greased tray. Pour the mixture in the tray and bake it for 5 minutes on low fire. Than turn it up high and bake the pie until the top is golden brown. You can check it with a meat pin or a fork. When ready, let it cool than sprinkle Vanilla sugar on top and slice it. Serve it with apricot jam or chocolate sauce if desired.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Tejespite - Anyu receptje
1 liter tej
35 dkg liszt
2 tojas
5 dkg cukor
5 dkg vaj
2 evokanal Vanilias cukor
csipet so (sot minden tesztaba kell tenni!)
A cukrot, vajat és tojásokat mixerrel összekeverem, majd felváltva fokozatosan hozzáontok egy kis lisztet majd kis tejet (kicsi liszt, majd kicsi tej, míg elfogy). A sutot elomelegitem. Kivajazott es lisztezett vagy sutopapirral kibelelt tepsibe ontom a masszat.
1 liter tej
35 dkg liszt
2 tojas
5 dkg cukor
5 dkg vaj
2 evokanal Vanilias cukor
csipet so (sot minden tesztaba kell tenni!)
A cukrot, vajat és tojásokat mixerrel összekeverem, majd felváltva fokozatosan hozzáontok egy kis lisztet majd kis tejet (kicsi liszt, majd kicsi tej, míg elfogy). A sutot elomelegitem. Kivajazott es lisztezett vagy sutopapirral kibelelt tepsibe ontom a masszat.
5 percig a legkisebb hőfokon sütöm, utána pedig a legmagasabbon. Ha kicsit megbarnul a teteje, akkor jó. Ha kesz, vanilias cukorral hintjuk meg. Lekvárral vagy csokiöntettel a tetején is talalhato!
Welcome to Palko's Master Kitchen
My brother who is called Pal, nicknamed Palko and my conversation at 2010 Christmas telephone call started this blog.
His expertise, passion and charming and funny personality would make him extremely suitable to be a TV cooking show personality. He not only works full-time as a leading chef at one of the top restaurants called Liberte in our town but he also teaches at the TAFE like teaching institution. I am sure that he students absolutely love and adore him! I am quite sure that if he lived in Australia, he would be on TV changing the way we cook and eat.
It took me many years to discover that a good food not only depends on fresh ingredients but the attitude, thoughts towards preparing the meal. Our dear Mum knew this! She always cooked for us with love!
I suggested to Palko to start a blog, share his thoughts and recipes with us and teach us those little tricks that make all the difference! We also would like to publish here our Mum's handwritten favourite recipes we are lucky enough to have in our possessions. I am quite sure that his colleagues, students, friends and simple people like me, would enjoy reading his daily stories and recipes. The brave ones might try it out! This will be the tastiest JOURNAL!
Have lots of fun and all the best to the readers and to my brother!
Bon Appetit!
Palko's sister from Melbourne
His expertise, passion and charming and funny personality would make him extremely suitable to be a TV cooking show personality. He not only works full-time as a leading chef at one of the top restaurants called Liberte in our town but he also teaches at the TAFE like teaching institution. I am sure that he students absolutely love and adore him! I am quite sure that if he lived in Australia, he would be on TV changing the way we cook and eat.
It took me many years to discover that a good food not only depends on fresh ingredients but the attitude, thoughts towards preparing the meal. Our dear Mum knew this! She always cooked for us with love!
I suggested to Palko to start a blog, share his thoughts and recipes with us and teach us those little tricks that make all the difference! We also would like to publish here our Mum's handwritten favourite recipes we are lucky enough to have in our possessions. I am quite sure that his colleagues, students, friends and simple people like me, would enjoy reading his daily stories and recipes. The brave ones might try it out! This will be the tastiest JOURNAL!
Have lots of fun and all the best to the readers and to my brother!
Bon Appetit!
Palko's sister from Melbourne
Isten hozott mindenkit Palko Mesterkonyhajaban!
2010 Karacsonyi telefonhivasa es beszelgetese Palkoval, edes Ocsemmel inditotta el ezt a blogot. Palko szakertelme, szenvedelye es elragado egyenisege ugy gondoltam, hogy televiziora valo lenne es nagyban megvaltoztathatna mikent fozunk es etkezunk. En magam hosszu ut utan vegre felfedeztem, hogy a jo etel nemcsak friss hozzavaloktol lesz izletes, hanem a szakacs gondolataitol es szeretetetol is nagyban meghatarozott!
Draga Edesanyank tudta ezt! O mindig a szivevel fozott nekunk!
Meggyoztem Ocsemet, hogy kedje el kozze tenni a receptjeit, ossza meg velunk a fotoit, az otleteit es fozesi titkait! Biztos vagyok abban, hogy a novendekei, kollegai, es egyszeru emberek mint en, szivesen fogjuk olvasgatni a napi torteneseket es a recepteket! Ez lesz a legizletesebb NAPLO!
Minden jot kivanok es sok szorakozast mind draga Ocsemnek es az olvasoknak!
Jo etvagyat!
Palko novere Melbourne-bol
Draga Edesanyank tudta ezt! O mindig a szivevel fozott nekunk!
Meggyoztem Ocsemet, hogy kedje el kozze tenni a receptjeit, ossza meg velunk a fotoit, az otleteit es fozesi titkait! Biztos vagyok abban, hogy a novendekei, kollegai, es egyszeru emberek mint en, szivesen fogjuk olvasgatni a napi torteneseket es a recepteket! Ez lesz a legizletesebb NAPLO!
Minden jot kivanok es sok szorakozast mind draga Ocsemnek es az olvasoknak!
Jo etvagyat!
Palko novere Melbourne-bol
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